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The Nick Margerrison podcast

Welcome to the Cult Of Nick!

Oct 28, 2014

John Higgs writes an excellent blog here and he tweets here.

The festival we refer to is here:

Thad McKracken writes frequently for Disinfo and has a facebook page which is very active here:

His book is here:

Oct 28, 2014

Daisy Eris features. She tweets here:

Everything you need to know about her play is here:


Adam Gorightly makes a welcome return. He tweets here:

His excellent website about Discordianism is here:

Oct 15, 2014

After recording this I was delighted to discover an article by Russell Brand advocating an end to debt, here:


The podcast features an interview with Dr Pete Yendle, speaking about "White Poppies" and...

Oct 7, 2014

The Aetherius Society is one of my favourite small scale religions. Mark Bennet is their representative. They are often described as one of the world's first UFO religions. Their website is here:

The YouTube video I refer to in the interview, and borrow a few clips from, is here: